About Shisei Ryu

The character of Shisei Ryu School results directly from its name, which is written in kanji characters :


The very word SEI means: honest, sincere. In conjunction with the sign SHI it means sincerity or just honesty. Honesty in our understanding is openness to express our thoughts, feelings, insights according with the concept of our own reality. It is also an openness to new knowledge, or experience, which is very important for us, the value by which we should strive with all our heart. Often honesty, is also the ability to adopt a constructive criticism and conscious of the analysis to our continuous development. Only that what is open and honest leads to the growth of one’s development and benefits into our lives. These two characters are written with a third RYU, which means school or style. The easiest way to say it is that Shisei Ryu is a school in which we learn the art of Japanese fencing based on the foundation of which is honesty.

Shisei Ryu school from a formal point of view has its own structure, its own logo and an education system. On the other hand, from a technical point of view, based on the craftsmanship of the Japanese sword. In our school we learn both sword fencing, as well as techniques in: Aiki-Jitsu, jo jitsu and Kobu Jitsu. In this way we get the full message which carries the art of war (hyo ho), that is based on the strategy of fighting.

Shisei Ryu as a whole is also a philosophical aspect in the context of Budo, the way  to approach a personal development – menkyo kaiden.

That’s why we put a strong emphasis on the understanding of techniques and knowledge of the principles that govern it. The necessary thing in the whole process of learning in the School of Shisei Ryu is the honest approach to life by training under the traditional system of Shu-Ha-Ri.

The emblem of Shisei Ryu School is a graphical form of the ideas contained in the school.

Describing the emblem of Shisei Ryu, there is no way not to refer to tradition which we so value and with which we identify ourselves while practicing the way of Budo everyday. Such elements as Kamiza  (the most important place in the dojo, where the graphical emblem of the school is placed), Japanese swords (katana, wakizashi), the Japanese language in technical terminology, training clothes (kimono and hakama), all make this School traditional or one that cultivates certain cultural – social traditiones.

This emblem for us is not nothing but a common sign, which gives a sense of belonging to a particular social group. As early as the Middle Ages people began to use common characters (crest, emblem) to unify certain groups, as well as to set them apart from the crowd.

The emblem of Shisei Ryu School we wear on the left arm below the shoulder joint. Such use right away is our flagship and sometimes says more than words.

Triangle and a circle inscribed with four arms extending from its center are the emblem of Shisei Ryu School.

TRIANGLE – symbolizes the foundation, stability and balance. The emblem of  Shisei Ryu has the shape of a triangle, which is equivalent to a stable, strong attitude.

CIRCLE – infinity, security.

Circle, in which the points are  extending from its center and connected by lines form the equivalent of a great art or a great technique. The circle is also a symbol of the “aiki” techniques or a sword that creates no noise: oto nashi no Ken”.

While describing our emblem we also have to say about the distance to fight. Triangle – far distance, Circle – the average, and the midpoint – a close distance.

The most important is the circle, which is the circle of life, which any good swordsman should take care of. This circle gives us 8 attack and the same defense options. All this makes us more accustomed to fight, when we can see some things. These aspects determine the effective strategy not only to fight, but also to life. The ability to use the distance to some things make us more resilient to stressors that evoke our lives. The ability to take the fight to the corner level makes our strategic skills grow and what we once did not see today becomes obvious.

CENTER OF CIRCLE – is the center from which come four arms that indicate the directions of our development according to the directions in which the person moves. Further broken down into 8 parts they reflect the 8 trajectory directions while cutting with the sword sword.

BLUE COLOUR  symbolizeslimitless, perseverance, loyalty, union, mutual understanding and the colour itself attracts people to it.

WHITE COLOR  symbolizespurity, peace, freedom, courage, space. White is the color of continuous development, inner transformation and harmony, to which we aspire through training.

All of these elements included in the emblem show us the enormity of possibilities that opens up the School of Shisei Ryu.

This is a traditional system of education in which time plays no role. Full understanding of the course of study, rather than a cursory knowledge transfer is the key. Menkyo kaiden system is a system of licenses. Once a student has mastered the given material he  will be allowed to teach techniques within the scope of his license. It is then that one gets the full understanding of techniques.

Upon learning every Budoka is confronting their knowledge and skills with discernment and openness to questioning by his students. Levels such as: Shoden, Chuden and Okuden are confronted among students of Shisei Ryu, levels of : Menkyo and Menkyo kaiden are held with the participation of representatives from  different schools and communities.

Experience of physical and internal development distinguishes menkyo kaiden system against a widespread system of (dan) degrees which mainly takes into account the development of technical qualities. The assessment of moral attitude takes place not earlier than first dan degree. The system of menkyo kaiden in  Shisei Ryu means that every student becomes a teacher, and every teacher at the same time is a student. In practice, this means that at each stage we are obliged to continuous development, going through all the stages of the menkyo kaiden system.

Describing the Menkyo system we can’t forget about the individual approach to each of the students moving through the system. The concept of  uchi deshi (student of the house) also plays an important role in the traditional transmission. Although today deviates far from the old Japan, where the student lived with his master to thoroughly explore the secrets of the School. Today, it is important to keep this attitude of a student, in order to fully understand the concept of the school. This is the only attitude that leads to full  Menkyo Kaiden – the end of transfer.

At the level of Shoden a student receives basic information about the school and is encouraged to open his own dojo.

At Chuden the student gets to a deeper level of technique and is going through the process of maturation as a teacher for his students and becomes more responsible for their development. This period is very turbulent for the student as one must look from another side on his already acquired skills thus clearing technique from all errors.

At the Okuden level the student-teacher becomes a fully trained Budoka, having knowledge of all the techniques and is able to arrange his own kata using the strategy of Shisei Ryu.

The Menkyo level receives a student-teacher that understands the idea of school and with it becomes its worthy representative. At this stage, the student-teacher is no longer attached to his dojo but also takes the responsibility for all participants of Shisei Ryu.

Finally, the level of menkyo kaiden. A student-teacher is ready to bring his life further with the ideas of the school. His life is “to serve” others, giving oneself to others means to be ready to teach everyone without exception.

Shisei Ryu School with her character refers to the traditional teaching in schools of Bu-jitsu. Although bu-jitsu is largely based on technical knowledge, it does not focus only on the technical knowledge. According to the well-known maxim: “Know and act are one and the same”, it is in this process of teaching, where words do not matter, and the action is best reflected by a fighting technical spirit of the Shisei Ryu School. From a general point of view, we can say that our school can be divided into techniques: Aiki – handmade and Buki – use of weapons to fight.

Menkyo Kaiden system in a clear and transparent way classifies the student to an appropriate level. Each level contains the appropriate dose of material that each student – Budoka is obliged to master. The material is divided into suitable groups with several techniques appropriate to the particular level. In this way, we can say that division of techniques have taken place:

  • Hojo undo 運動 – Those are the basic techniques such as positions, blocks, kicks, cuts and throws, etc
  • Kata These are formal arrangements that reflect a strategy to combat
  • Renzoku Bunkai 連続分解 – These are the analysis of hojo undo techniques and kata applied in a specific order and continuous motion
  • Kaeshi Renzoku Bunkai 返し技連続分解 – is a group of techniques in which we apply counterattacks to already known techniques and kata
  • Jiyu kumi –te, -tachi – is the application of techniques in combat using appropriate protectors
  • Randori 乱捕 – free fight with the possibility of attack from different angles and with the participation of many opponents

Each level also stands out by the way of performing the techniques, which is embedded in the development of Shu-Ha-Ri. The Increase of physical skills must go hand in hand with the development of mental skills, which can be divided into:

  • Jitsu – (SHU stage) . At this stage the expression of the performing techniques is only a mechanical based knowledge appropriate to the technical level
  • Waza (Ha stage). This is a higher level, more similar to skills, that in a natural way bind to the mechanical way of performing techniques
  • Ryaku (Ri stage). The highest level of technique. Here, the development of physical and mental skill is intertwined with the personality of the master. Each technique performed at this stage is raised to the level of art.


6 kyu

  • Reishiki
  • Kamae Waza: Chudan no kamae
  • Ashi Waza: Tsugi Ashi, Ayumi ashi
  • Itto Hojo Undo: Tsuka no nigiri kata
  • Hojo Undo: Dai Ichi
  • Bunkai: Dai Ichi
  • Hojo Undo: Dai ichi
  • Bunkai: Dai ichi

5 kyu

  • Reishiki
  • Kamae Waza: Chudan no kamae, Jodan no kamae
  • Ashi Waza: Tsugi Ashi, Ayumi ashi, Okuri ashi
  • Itto Hojo Undo: Tsuka no nigiri kata, Nukitsuke
  • Hojo Undo: Dai Ichi, ni
  • Bunkai: Dai Ichi, ni
  • Hojo Undo: Dai ichi, ni
  • Bunkai: Dai ichi, ni

4 kyu

  • Reishiki
  • Kamae Waza: Chudan no kamae, Jodan no kamae, Gedan no kamae, Hasso no kamae
  • Ashi Waza: Tsugi Ashi, Ayumi ashi, Okuri ashi, Hiraki ashi
  • Itto Hojo Undo: Tsuka no nigiri kata, Nukitsuke, Furi kaburi, Kiri oroshi
  • Uke Waza: Age uke, Yoko uke, Harai uke, Uke nagashi
  • Hojo Undo: Dai Ichi, ni, san, yon
  • Bunkai: Dai Ichi, ni, san, yon
  • Hojo Undo: Dai ichi, ni, san, yon
  • Bunkai: Dai ichi, ni, san, yon

3 kyu

  • Reishiki
  • Kamae Waza: Chudan no kamae, Jodan no kamae, Gedan no kamae, Hasso no kamae
  • Ashi Waza: Tsugi Ashi, Ayumi ashi, Okuri ashi, Hiraki ashi
  • Itto Hojo Undo: Tsuka no nigiri kata, Nukitsuke, Furi kaburi, Kiri oroshi, noto
  • Uke Waza: Age uke, Yoko uke, Harai uke, Uke nagashi
  • Hojo Undo: Dai Ichi, ni, san, yon, go, roku
  • Bunkai: Dai Ichi, ni, san, yon, go, roku
  • Hojo Undo: Dai ichi, ni, san, yon, go, roku
  • Bunkai: Dai ichi, ni, san, yon, go, roku
  • Renzoku bunkai: Ippon me - Deai

2 kyu

  • Reishiki
  • Kamae Waza: Chudan no kamae, Jodan no kamae, Gedan no kamae, Hasso no kamae
  • Ashi Waza: Tsugi Ashi, Ayumi ashi, Okuri ashi, Hiraki ashi
  • Itto Hojo Undo: Tsuka no nigiri kata, Nukitsuke, Furi kaburi, Kiri oroshi, noto
  • Uke Waza: Age uke, Yoko uke, Harai uke, Uke nagashi
  • Kiri Waza: Kiri oroshi, kiri age/gyaku kesa giri, Kesa giri
  • Hojo Undo: 1-8
  • Bunkai: 1-8
  • Hojo Undo: 1-7
  • Bunkai: 1-7
  • Renzoku bunkai: Ippon me - Deai; Nihon me - Tsuke komi

1 kyu

  • Reishiki
  • Kamae Waza: Chudan no kamae, Jodan no kamae, Gedan no kamae, Hasso no kamae
  • Ashi Waza: Tsugi Ashi, Ayumi ashi, Okuri ashi, Hiraki ashi
  • Itto Hojo Undo: Tsuka no nigiri kata, Nukitsuke, Furi kaburi, Kiri oroshi, noto
  • Uke Waza: Age uke, Yoko uke, Harai uke, Uke nagashi
  • Kiri Waza: Kiri oroshi, kiri age/gyaku kesa giri, Kesa giri, Yoko ichimonji/yoko giri
  • Hojo Undo: 1-8
  • Bunkai: 1-8
  • Hojo Undo: 1-8
  • Bunkai: 1-8
  • Renzoku bunkai:
  • -Ippon me - Deai
  • -Nihon me - Tsuke komi
  • -Sanbon me - Uke komi
  • -Yohon me - Shinmyoken


  • Itto hojo undo (1-8)
  • Itto renzoku bunkai (1-10)
  • Hanbo hojo undo
  • Hanbo bunkai
  • Jiyu kumite
  • Randori 2 uke


  • Wakizashi hojo undo (1-8)
  • Wakizashi renzoku bunkai (1-10)
  • Tanto hojo undo
  • Tanto bunkai
  • Jiyu kumite
  • Randori 3 uke


  • Nito hojo undo
  • Nito renzoku bunkai (1-10)
  • Nito sessa waza (1-5)
  • Nito aikuchi waza (1-5)
  • Jiyu kumite
  • Randori 3 uke


  • Jo hojo undo
  • Jo renzoku bunkai
  • Aiki renzoku bunkai
  • Ni hanbo hojo undo
  • Ni hanbo bunkai
  • Tanjo waza
  • Jiyu kumite
  • Randori 3 uke


  • Kata (51 elementów)
  • Nito vs Nito (1-5)
  • Jo vs Nito (1-3)
  • Naiden Kata (1-5)
  • Tounkwa hojo undo i bunkai
  • Nunchaku hojo undo i bunkai
  • Kama hojo undo i bunkai
  • Eku hojo undo i bunkai
  • Bo hojo undo i bunkai
  • Sai hojo undo i bunkai
  • Test 25 walk


  • Iai Jitsu shoden, chuden i okuden kata
  • Ken Jitsu shoden, chuden i okuden kata
  • Shiatsu Shisei Ryu
  • Heiho Shisei Ryu


  1. Sanchin  三戦
  2. Tensho 転掌
  3. Ichi Shin 一心

Shoden Kata

  1. Mae 前
  2. Migi 右
  3. Hidari 左
  4. Ushiro 後
  5. Yaegaki 八重垣
  6. Ukenagashi 受流
  7. Kaishaku 介錯
  8. Tsukekomi 附込
  9. Tsukikage 月影
  10. Oikaze 追風
  11. Nukiuchi 抜打

Chuden Kata

  1. Yokogumo 横雲
  2. Tora no issoku 虎一足
  3. Inazuma 稲妻
  4. Ukigumo 浮雲
  5. Oroshi 颪
  6. Iwanami 岩波
  7. Urokogaeshi 鱗返
  8. Namigaeshi 波返
  9. Takiotoshi 瀧落
  10. Makkō 真向
  11. Yokogumo 横雲
  12. Tora no issoku 虎一足
  13. Inazuma 稲妻
  14. Ukigumo 浮雲
  15. Oroshi 颪
  16. Iwanami 岩波
  17. Urokogaeshi 鱗返
  18. Namigaeshi 波返
  19. Takiotoshi 瀧落
  20. Makkō 真向

Okuden Kata


  1. Kasumi 霞
  2. Sunegakoi 脛囲
  3. Tozume 戸詰
  4. Towaki 戸脇
  5. Shihōgiri 四方切
  6. Tanashita 棚下
  7. Ryōzume 両詰
  8. Torabashiri 虎走


  1. Yukizure 行連
  2. Tsuredachi 連達
  3. Sō Makuri 惣捲
  4. Sō Dome 惣留
  5. Shinobu 信夫
  6. Yukichigai 行違
  7. Sode Surigaeshi 袖摺返
  8. Moniri 門入
  9. Kabezoe 壁添
  10. Ukenagashi 受流


  1. Itomagoi Sono Ichi 暇乞其の一
  2. Itomagoi Sono Ni 暇乞其の二
  3. Itomagoi Sono San 暇乞其の三

Shoden Kata

  1. Sassen 指先
  2. Hasso hidari八相左
  3. Hasso migi八相右
  4. Uke nagashi hidari 受流左
  5. Uke nagashi migi 受流右
  6. Moji gamae文字構
  7. Hari tsuke 張付
  8. Nagashi uchi 流打
  9. Tora buri 虎振
  10. Kazuki 数喜
  11. Aisen uchi dome 合先打留
  12. Amashi uchi アマシ打 / 余打

Chuden Kata

  1. Sassen 指先
  2. Chudan 中段
  3. Uke nagashi 受流
  4. Moji gamae 捩構
  5. Hari tsuke 張付
  6. Nagashi uchi 流打
  7. Aisen 合先

Okuden Kata


  1. Chudan 中段
  2. Jodan 上段
  3. Gedan 下段
  4. Hidari Waki Gamae 左脇構
  5. Migi Waki Gamae 右脇構


  1. Sessa uchidome
  2. Sessa uchibarai
  3. Ippyoshi sotobarai
  4. Ippyoshi uchibarai
  5. Ryusui uchidome


  1. Shikko hidari
  2. Shikko migi
  3. Irimi
  4. Sekka no uchi
  5. Juji shukonomi